Recap: Police couldn’t find that mysterious killer girl or any evidence in favor of the story of the Abhimanyu. They had shown the willingness to arrest him. If you missed that episode, explore it from here:
The sun headed up on his journey of a long hot day. Birds were chirping and a doorbell rang. Abhimanyu opened the door and Josh rushed in, handed over a newspaper and started making tea. Abhimanyu seems very lethargic. His sleepy eyes widened up and he shouted with aggression, “You jerk! How could you do this?”
The sun headed up on his journey of a long hot day. Birds were chirping and a doorbell rang. Abhimanyu opened the door and Josh rushed in, handed over a newspaper and started making tea. Abhimanyu seems very lethargic. His sleepy eyes widened up and he shouted with aggression, “You jerk! How could you do this?”
Josh winked & said, “Boy! You are a star now. You have boomed the print & electronic media. The media has only one story in their headlines, a star writer who received the best seller book award from the president spent 4 hours in a prison due to misleading police. He dreamed a killer girl.” Josh laughed and added, “The connoisseurs are debating, it might be the reason of his tiredness or he plotted all these to write his new book. Really dude, You gave me a biiiiiiiig story” Josh winked with a wicked smile.
Abhimanyu’s head was blasting with thoughts and anger. Just two days before he was on the sky of success and now stuck in an unnecessary controversy. How can it be possible to dream something with all your senses!!!! He was unable to figure out what to do. Josh spotted his perplexity and said, “Hey buddy! I know I don’t need to explain, but still, this is just a professional step, don’t feel it!” Abhimanyu replied, “I get damn of this as you know me. I am concerned about that girl.”
“Are you in love or something with her?”
“Oh please! You know me, Girls cannot rule my head. And heart! I don’t have the one.” He inhaled a breadth and added, “ I know she was not a dream, then where did she gone?”
“I also know Abhimanyu that she was real. I mean the way you described her, but what is bothering me is you had a cam man. Why didn’t you click her pic?”
Abhimanyu gave him an offended look & implied, “Yeah of course! I should have asked her like, Hey beautiful lady would you mind I click a pic of you and I won’t mind if you shoot me with your gun then after.”

To be continued…
The Next episode
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